As you can see I have a bit of a lantern passion....I love lighting them all up at night....burning oils....
family all together.....good food.....mmmmmm
I am waiting for the roofers to leave so I can get on with nourishing myself!!...Today is step exercise.......yesterday I did today is all about burning fat!!
My relaxing oil bath yesterday was great but.......I realized there was one thing I forgot!! and that was to exfoliate!!.....So nourishing thing number 2 for me today is : to give myself a good exfoliate, awaken those winter skin cells...
A little thought for today:
Contentment leads to thankfulness, which is among the highest levels of faith. In truth, it is the reality of faith.Indeed, the thankful person is the most blessed and prosperous of people.
Taken from: 'Don,t be Sad'
love love the things, the blog, the quotes....