Tuesday 16 March 2010

Consistency ......

I am loving the blue skies and lovely sunshine......spring and summer are my favourite seasons....I am happy to see the back of winter....

I have been on a mission too...to set my priorities straight....I was a little lost .I know I have will power and determination,I just need to apply it to everything in my life.....kids, home....faith.I have started fixing those neglected places in my soul and home.....and pray it will be a change for keeps..
Consistency is the foundation of virtue.{Francis Bacon }
I am still wheat and sugar free......weight has dropped to 65.1 kg.......5 more kilos until I reach my target weight.I have a confession though.I have not been exercising.There seems to be no blessing in my time, so once I am a bit more organised I would like to start exercising again.....it's not because I don't like exercising, it's just mismanagement of time.
I am also interested in alkalizing my body more,which I am trying to do by eating more veg {especially green ones}with all meals,lemon water twice a day and yummy grapefruits.{I am still researching this subject so will post as I find out more}

my favourite breakfast at the moment is 2 scrambled eggs, 1 courgette and 1 fennel chopped and sauteed in butter with salt and pepper and a drizzle of Algerian olive oil.It's so delicious and energising.

and this lovely felt clip was not made by me,oh nooooo.....but by my daughter under the watchful eye of my crafty big sister.My daughter was so pleased with her handy work .....

 Thought for the day....

 We are what we repeatedly do. Excellence, therefore, is not an act but a habit.

— Aristotle


  1. well done you...amazing progress....please keep sharing as its such an inspiration....and the felt clip is beautiful....

  2. Ma sha Allah! Mabrook on your achievements! I need to step it up a bit :)

    I don't normally eat eggs but with lots of onions and fennel? Yum! That's one of my fave brekkies!
